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Where's Willy?
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You've heard all about Where's George?, but couldn't play in Canada? Well now you can!.
The Canadian Currency Tracker
Where'$ Willy?
All you need to do is enter the serial number of any Canadian dollar bill
You have entered 7 Notes worth $100.
You have 0 notes with hits.
You have 0 total hits.
Your hit rate is 0.00%.
Your Willy Index is 0.
Congratulations! You are tied for First Place
among all the users that have no Willy Index yet.
************** FIVE DOLLAR BILL #1*************************
Five Dollar Bill, Serial# AOB25---68, Series: 2002
*** New $5.00 bill.Bowmanville,Ontario.Feb.19.2003. ***
*** Pioneer gas station. ***

Entry Time (Local Time Zone)-----------Feb-19-03 02:38 PM
Travel Time(from previous entry)-------

HIT #1


************* FIVE DOLLAR BILL #2 ************************* Five Dollar Bill, Serial# ANW62---49, Series: 2002
*** New $5.00 bill.Bowmanville,Ontario.Feb.19.2003. ***
*** Subway(fast food subs) ***

Entry Time (Local Time Zone)---------Feb-19-03 2:41 PM
Travel Time(from previous entry)-----

Hit #1


************** FIVE DOLLAR BILL 3# ***********************
Five Dollar Bill, Serial# AOB77---74, Series: 2002
*** New $5.00 bill.Bowmanville,Ontario.Feb.20.2003. ***
*** Lowblaws grocery store ***

Entry Time (Local Time Zone)--------Feb-20-2003 5:30 PM
Travel Time(from previous-----------

Hit #1


Where'$ Willy?

************** FIVE DOLLAR BILL #4 ***********************
Five Dollar Bill, Serial# AOA09---25, Series: 2002
*** New $5.00 bill.Bowmanville,Ontario.Feb-22-2003. ***
*** TD Canada Trust bank ***

Entry Time (Local Time Zone)--------Feb-22-2003 12:48 PM
Travel Time(from previous entry)-----

Hit #1


Where'$ Willy?
************** TEN DOLLAR BILL *****************************
TEN Dollar Bill,Serial# BEI47---19, Series: 2001
*** $10.00 bill. Bowmanville,Ontario,Canada.Feb.28.2003. ***
*** Subway (fast food subs) ***

Entry Time (Local Time Zone)--------Feb-28-2003 11:45 AM
Travel Time(from previous entry)-----

HIT #1

***********TWENTY DOLLAR BILL ****************************
Twenty Dollar Bill, Serial# EVF67---62, Series: 1991
*** $20.00 bill.Bowmanville,Ontario,Canada.Feb.28.2003. ***
*** Clarington Corner's Convinence. ***

Entry Time (Local Time Zone)---------Feb-28-03 11:48 AM
Travel Time(from previous entry)-----

Hit #1

************* FIFTY DOLLAR BILL *************************
Fifty Dollar Bill, Serial# FHW06---41, Series: 1988
*** $50.00 bill.Bowmanville,Ontario.Feb.28.2003. ***
*** The Beer Store ***

Entry Time (Local Time Zone)---------Feb-28-03 11:50 AM
Travel Time(from previous entry)-----

Hit #1


Canada Web Award awarded to Puckheads Central